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Seek God as a Busy Mom With These 7 Principles

Being a mom is a beautiful, challenging journey, much like seeking God. It’s a messy ordeal, full of ups and downs.

Some days, you’re ready to conquer the world with worship music blasting in the background, as if you receive energy directly from the good Lord above.

Other days, you lament like David over a burnt meal in the oven because you were juggling bath time with the kids.

Take a deep breath. It’s okay.

As a busy mom, you might wonder how you’re supposed to find time to be intentional about your relationship with the Lord.

There doesn’t seem to be time to sit and read the Bible or pray, but I’ve found that I need time with God for the rest of my day to function. We must stay plugged into the Source.

1. Embrace the Season You’re In

It has to be said. There is no such thing as balance. No matter what Instagram might suggest, not a single busy mom is juggling everything flawlessly.

The reality is that there’s always tension between everything that needs to be done.

Seek God as a Busy Mom With These 7 Principles
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What is God calling you to RIGHT NOW?

Sometimes, the undeniable truth is that you have too much on your plate. I’m currently struggling with this myself.

As a mom of three, I work full time and chase my dreams while everyone sleeps.

I’ve always loved my job. Working full-time provides financial benefits in this uncertain economy, but lately, I’ve asked God what He wants me to focus on. 

I thought he would tell me some new adventure to focus on. But the funny thing is, He said to focus on my children more. They are who He is calling me to.

Sometimes, we overcomplicate chasing our purpose when God has blessed us with the purpose of a lifetime—to raise the little ones He entrusted us with. 

And spoiler alert, God does not play about these precious little children if you haven’t read the Bible. 

So, maybe this isn’t the season where you will be the glamorous girl boss mom, but instead, the messy hair in a bun mom who pours into her children before any other task. 

God may still open doors for other things, but embrace what He’s calling you to focus on now.

Suppose you have been a stay-at-home mom for years and can sense the Lord calling you to do something else now.

You should lean into Him for wisdom. Seek the Kingdom of God first, and all these things will be added to you. 

Seek God as a Busy Mom With These 7 Principles
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Transition if Needed

Once you’ve established what God is calling you to in this season, it’s time to prepare for that transition.

It might be scary, but if it’s from God, it will come with a peace that surpasses understanding. Keep praying about it.

Recently, we put our house on the market and moved. It was a difficult decision, as our kids were settled and happy, but we couldn’t ignore the tug on our hearts.

Since the move, we’ve seen simple but beautiful changes—like being closer to our church, allowing us to be more involved as a family, and having regular date nights with my husband.

When I started writing this blog while continuing to work on a contemporary novel, I wanted to show people I could follow my dreams while still working my nine-to-five. I wanted to master being a busy mom.

I’ve been doing this over the last year, so it is possible. But I also recognize there may be a time when I need to let something go so that, ultimately, my kids get more of me.

Remember, mastering being a busy mom means recognizing that you can’t do everything. 

When you find yourself trying to do it all and drop all the balls instead of just one or two as needed, ask God to search your heart and reveal your motivations.

Ask for His wisdom and what you should prioritize. 

Once the Lord reveals your next step, you must decide to do so and move forward, whatever that may be. 

Another thing to consider when transitioning is that you must not care what it looks like to the outside world.

They can’t possibly understand the conversations you are having with God. 

Life is SO much sweeter when you obey Him, not man’s opinion.

Seek God as a Busy Mom With These 7 Principles

2. Prioritize Time With God

One of my secret weapons is waking up early. Yes, I know it’s not what you want to hear. 

Some would say I wake up too early. 

I would say I wake up too early when I groggily turn my alarm off at 3:50 a.m. 

Waking up at 3:50 a.m. might seem extreme, but those quiet moments before the chaos begins are invaluable.

Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, the key is finding those quiet moments in your day to prioritize what’s most important and create extra time for yourself. 

For me, praying and reading the Bible first thing in the morning is crucial.

Even when different schedules throw off my routine, I aim to hit this goal more often than not.

Every time I stray away from waking up and seeking God first thing, I hit a point where I know it’s what my day is missing and is throwing it off.

As soon as I return to the Lord, I sense the overwhelming peace that surpasses understanding.

On the days I cannot spend a full hour in prayer and the Word, I will resort to one of the following ways to connect with God.

Quick Devotions and Spiritual Enrichment for Busy Moms

  • Morning Devotions: Start your day with a short prayer and a few minutes of Bible reading.
  • Evening Reflection: End your day by reflecting on what you’re thankful for and praying for strength for the next day.
  • Chew on the Word: If devotionals aren’t your thing, read a small passage from the Bible and meditate on it throughout the day. Pray that God will reveal new insights to you.
  • Encouraging Literature: Read books or blogs by Christian authors who understand Christian challenges. For some books I enjoyed that helped my spiritual growth, check out my blog post, 3 Must-Read Faith Books for Spiritual Growth.
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3. Use Technology to Stay Connected

Technology can be a powerful tool in your spiritual journey.

Use Bible apps that offer daily verses, devotionals, and audio Bibles you can listen to while multitasking.

I have a quick disclaimer here: I love these podcasts. They helped me so much before I started attending church and really diving into my faith, and they still do. 

However, nothing is more informative about the Word of God than the Word itself. Pick up your Bible and read it to develop your relationship with God.

I especially love these podcasts because they constantly encourage listeners to read their Bibles and cite scripture to support their statements.

  • Worship music: Create Spotify or Apple Music playlists of your favorite worship songs and play them throughout the day. The key is to keep your mind on Christ throughout your day.
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4. Incorporate Faith Into Daily Routines

Incorporate faith into your daily routines, even in the simplest ways.

In John 15:4 Jesus says, Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

We abide in Christ by actively being with him throughout our day and inviting him into every area of our lives.

It seems passive, but being with Jesus in everything we do takes practice—inviting Him into the exciting and mundane things of life.

  • Pray While Doing Chores: Use repetitive tasks like washing dishes or folding laundry as opportunities for prayer. Pray over your children as you fold their clothes or bathe them. When your heart posture is prayer, even mundane tasks become acts of service.
  • Pray with Your Children: Make prayer a regular part of your family’s day—before meals, bedtime, or whenever needed. My personal favorite is praying with my daughter on the way to drop her off at school. 
  • Family Devotions: Set aside time for family devotions. Read a Bible story together and pray as a family. Engage in faith-based activities that teach your children about God while enriching your own faith.
  • Pray and Worship in Your Car: Any time you are alone in the car, put on worship music and talk with Jesus. (Some of the most powerful encounters I’ve had with the Lord were in my car on the way to work! God honors the time you create for Him. The biggest issue is we don’t leave space for Him to speak.)
  • Practice Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal where you note things you’re thankful for daily.
  • Mindful Moments: Acknowledge God’s presence by taking a few moments throughout the day to pause and focus on Him.

As the back-to-school season is in full force, it’s also a great time to refocus on maintaining a Christ-centered mindset amid the hustle.

If you’re interested, check out my blog post on 4 Principles for a Christ-Centered Back-to-School Season for more tips to prepare your family spiritually during this busy time.

Seek God as a Busy Mom With These 7 Principles
Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

5. Find Support In Community

When my husband and I first came to Christ, we did not attend church, nor did we ever believe we would.

We both had a negative view of the church as a judgmental place, and we were far from perfect.

We would watch sermons online together, and we loved it.

But one day, the Holy Spirit nudged me to go to church.

I remember telling the Holy Spirit, “No, things are great just as they are. I feel like inviting others into this journey would just taint it.”

I remember feeling the Holy Spirit say, “You can’t keep this to yourself.”

That response led my husband and I to try a church out, where we found our church home and a fantastic community.

It also led me to share my faith on social media and through this blog. I now understand that Jesus doesn’t want us to keep Him to ourselves.

He blesses us so we can bless others. He loves to use the community – His church, to help one another and live out our faith together.

When the demands of motherhood feel overwhelming, having a solid spiritual community can be a lifeline.

The early Church thrived because believers gathered, prayed, shared their lives, and lifted each other up (Acts 2:42-47).

In the same way, we need others to encourage and strengthen us in our walk with Christ.

Attend Church Regularly: Making church attendance a priority, even when life gets busy, is foundational for your spiritual growth.

The fellowship, worship, and teaching you experience at church help to refresh your spirit and keep your focus on God.

Join a Small Group or Bible Study: Whether in person or online, finding a group that fits your schedule and life stage can provide invaluable spiritual nourishment.

A local moms’ Bible study group offers the chance to bond over shared experiences and study the Word in a supportive environment.

Online groups can be just as enriching, especially when your schedule makes attending in person difficult.

The key is to fellowship with like-minded believers who can offer prayer, advice, and friendship.

Don’t be afraid to seek out a group or create one if it doesn’t exist in your community yet.

Mentorship: Finding a spiritual mentor—someone who has already walked the path you’re on—can be incredibly helpful in navigating the ups and downs of faith and motherhood.

A mentor provides wisdom, encouragement, and accountability, helping you grow spiritually.

Don’t underestimate the power of one-on-one mentorship, where deep connections are often formed and life-giving wisdom is passed on.

Be Vulnerable: Building community requires vulnerability. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that we must appear to have everything together, but real connections are made when we’re open about our struggles and  are willing to ask for help.

Sharing your challenges with others and allowing them to speak into your life can be a powerful way to experience God’s love through His people.

Seek God as a Busy Mom With These 7 Principles
Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash

6. Serve Others as Part of Your Faith

As followers of Christ, we are called to serve others, just as Jesus came not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45).

Service is an essential part of living out your faith, and it’s a powerful way to share God’s love with others.

The Church plays a crucial role in this, offering a supportive environment where we can give our time, talents, and resources to help others.

Serving not only blesses those around us, but it also strengthens our own relationship with God.

More than just attending Church, being a part of the body of Christ allows you to actively engage in service and discover your unique role within the community.

Get Involved: Take the next step by getting involved in family-friendly church activities and volunteer opportunities.

Whether helping in the nursery, participating in a community outreach event, or assisting with church functions, there are countless ways to serve alongside your family.

By involving your children in these activities, you also model the heart of service to them. They learn that faith is more than just words—it’s action.

Love Your Neighbors: Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39), and that begins with simple, everyday acts of kindness.

As a busy mom, your capacity to serve may look different in different seasons, but even small gestures can have a big impact.

Offer to help a fellow mom in need, bring a meal to a sick neighbor, or simply be a listening ear.

These simple acts are powerful expressions of God’s love and can be done as part of your daily life.

Grow Through Service: Serving others not only blesses those around you, but it also deepens your own faith.

Jesus promised that whoever loses their life for His sake will find it (Matthew 10:39).

When you pour into others, you often find that God replenishes your strength and renews your spirit. In giving, we receive.

Each act of service is an opportunity to grow in Christlikeness as you reflect His humility, love, and compassion in a tangible way.

7. Rest in God’s Grace

As a busy mom, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to meet every expectation—both yours and others’.

But God’s grace is sufficient for every challenge and shortcoming.

Grace means knowing that you are loved and accepted, not because of what you’ve done, but because of who God is.

It means resting in the truth that God’s strength is made perfect in your weakness.

Embrace Imperfection: There will be days when you feel like you’ve dropped the ball—when the laundry piles up, the house is a mess, and you didn’t get through your to-do list. It’s in these moments that you need to remember God’s grace the most.

You don’t have to be the perfect mom, wife, or Christian. God sees your efforts, but He also knows your limits. Lean into Him when things feel overwhelming, and let go of the idea that you have to do it all.

Rely on God’s Strength, Not Your Own: As Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12:9, God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. Instead of trying to rely on your own strength, admit that you need God’s help and let Him carry your burdens.

It’s okay to acknowledge that you can’t do it all. God wants to partner with you in this journey, giving you the strength and wisdom you need to navigate each day.

Pace Yourself: Sometimes, in our desire to grow spiritually or be the best version of ourselves, we set high expectations that can lead to burnout.

Take small steps toward your spiritual goals without putting pressure on yourself to do everything perfectly or all at once.

Whether it’s finding time for prayer, scripture, or community, remember that God cares more about your heart’s posture than the quantity of tasks you complete.

Slow progress is still progress in God’s eyes.

Honor the Sabbath: Resting is not a luxury—it’s a commandment. God designed the Sabbath for us to step away from our work and enjoy His presence, allowing Him to restore our souls.

This rest is an act of trust, showing that we believe God is in control and we don’t have to be.

By setting aside time to truly rest and refresh, you’re not only honoring God but also creating space for Him to work in your life.

Be Still and Know: In a world that glorifies busyness, sometimes the hardest thing to do is to be still. Yet, Psalm 46:10 tells us to “be still and know that I am God.”

This stillness is an invitation to stop striving, worrying, and overthinking. It’s about surrendering your stress, your plans, and your worries to God, trusting that He is bigger than any challenge you face.

Being still doesn’t mean inactivity—it means intentional reliance on God’s presence.

Find Peace in God’s Timing: As moms, we often feel pressure to “get it all done” or make spiritual breakthroughs happen on our timeline. But God works in seasons, and His timing is perfect.

Sometimes, the season you’re in calls for stillness, waiting, and trusting rather than constant action.

Resting in His grace means being at peace with the pace He sets for your growth, your family, and your calling.

Remember His Grace Daily: Each day, remind yourself that God’s grace is new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).

No matter what yesterday looked like, today is a fresh start. Give yourself the grace that God has already extended to you, and lean on Him for the strength to face whatever comes your way.

In the midst of the beautiful chaos that is motherhood, remember that God is with you every step of the way. You don’t have to have everything perfectly balanced or figured out—His grace fills the gaps, and His strength carries you.

As you lean on Him, seek community, and make space for His presence, you’ll find that God’s peace and guidance are always within reach even in the busiest seasons.

set apart together