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3 Must-Read Faith Books for Spiritual Growth

I’m usually reading three books at any given time: the Bible (duh), a nonfiction faith book that helps me grow spiritually, and a fiction book that tells an incredible story, which engages my creativity for the novel I am writing.

I thought about the books I read over the summer that helped me grow in my faith. They were all hugely impactful.

I kept recommending them to friends and family, and I realized this includes you! 

This post is not an ad, and I do not receive any monetary gain for speaking about these books.

These were just some books that highly impacted me, and I can’t wait to share them with you!

Without further adieu, here are the three books that helped me grow in my faith and connect with God more deeply.

Book 1: How to Tell the Truth: The Story of How God Saved Me to Win Hearts—Not Just Arguments by Preston Perry

About the Author: Preston Perry is a poet, speaker, and Christian apologist known for his passionate and relatable approach to sharing the gospel.

With a background in spoken word poetry, Preston brings a unique blend of artistry and theology to his work.

He engages audiences with thought-provoking messages that challenge and inspire.

He co-hosts the podcast With the Perrys with his wife, Jackie Hill Perry, where they discuss faith, culture, and relationships.

Preston is committed to truth-telling in love, aiming to win hearts rather than arguments in his ministry.

About the Book: Preston Perry shares the powerful story of how God pursued him in the streets of Chicago.

He takes the reader on his journey from darkness to light.

After he learned the truth of the gospel, he felt a strong need to share it with others.

In this book, Preston talks about the important lessons he learned—how it’s not just about what you say but how you say it.

He shares his experiences to help others learn how to talk about their faith in the best way.

The most important thing, he says, isn’t knowing everything but having a heart that listens.

✨Key Takeaways✨

Impact on My Faith: First of all, this book touched my heart. Anyone who reads it, needs to have tissues ready.

In my faith, this book challenged me to consider the cultural or religious groups I avoid sharing the gospel with because I lack knowledge and I am not sure how to engage them.

It revealed that I have work to do in seeing people, getting to know them, and ultimately sharing the gospel.

I now understand the importance of people  hear the gospel so they might be saved, it is what Jesus commissioned us to do as believers.

Favorite Quote or Passage: “I’ve often heard people quote the line, ‘Preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words,’ as if to say, ‘Love people like Jesus with your actions, and only speak the gospel when you have to.’ That might sound wise and even holy to some on the surface. But when you dig a little, how true is it? Paul says, ‘How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?’ (Romans 10:14). Good deeds without the truth of the gospel will only make us philanthropists.” MIC DROP—this quote really resonated with me.

Practical Application: I began to journal what it means to be bold. How can I apply that in sharing the gospel?

Preston also discusses fundamentals that every apologist should know so they are equipped to defend their faith.

I jotted these down and began looking to Scripture to help anchor the truth in me.

How I Applied the Lessons: I have been more intentional with people. I ask people questions about their faith and beliefs without rushing to get mine in.

It’s been a beautiful journey.

Encouragement for Readers: I recommend this book to anyone who wants to share the gospel but feels unqualified.

If you find yourself hoping someone else will step in when the opportunity to share your faith arises because of fear of failure, this book is for you.

How to Tell the Truth is the blueprint for how to effectively tell the truth and win hearts.

Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

Book 2: Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become Like Him. Do as He Did by John Mark Comer

About the Author: John Mark Comer is a pastor, author, and speaker known for his clear and practical teachings on how to live out the practices of Jesus in everyday life.

He has a deep passion for helping people connect their faith with their daily routines.

He has written several books, including The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and Practicing the Way, where he explores how to live a simpler, more spiritually grounded life in today’s fast-paced world.

About the Book: In Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become Like Him. Do as He Did, John Mark Comer explains the rich Jewish culture and what it meant to follow a rabbi.

Through engaging stories, he shows what learning from Rabbi Jesus looks like.

Comer points out that Jesus is more than just a rabbi, but if we approach Him the way the early disciples did, we can be with Him, become like Him, and do as He did.

Jesus wanted this deep relationship with His followers, not just a simple act of faith.

As Comer says, “He said, ‘Whoever wants to be my apprentice…’ not ‘Whoever wants to put your hand up to become a Christian…’”

✨Key Takeaways✨

Impact on My Faith: This book made me rethink my relationship with Jesus.

Am I following Him as He intended when He first called His disciples?

I used to think I was seeking Him daily, but seeing Him as a rabbi has given me a new perspective.

Now, I see that I can walk with Him throughout the day, learning to be more like Him in everything I do.

This simple idea has deeply impacted me, and reading the book will give you the full picture of this powerful message.

Favorite Quote or Passage: “Each time you get a little mental breath in the busyness of your life—that split second after you hit send on the email, the moment when you come to a red light, or those first conscious thoughts when you awake from sleep—through deliberate practice, you can train your mind to come back to God, come back to God, come back to God…Eventually, your mind—and through it, your entire body and soul—will anchor itself in God, will ‘abide.’ Even in all the noise and chaos of the modern world, with its traffic to suffer, meetings to attend, and babies to feed, you can develop a mind that is rooted in God.”

Practical Application: John Mark Comer offers many valuable tips throughout the book, so I recommend keeping a notebook handy.

He also has a Practicing the Way course available online. By intentionally building daily habits of spiritual practices, you can dive deep into the lessons the book teaches.

How I Applied the Lessons: I’ve started seeing Jesus as my Rabbi.

I’ve always known Him as Lord and Savior, but now, I ask Him to show me His way each day.

This has opened my heart and mind to a deeper relationship with Him.

Encouragement for Readers: Every believer should read this book. If you consider yourself a Christian, this book will help you go deeper in your faith.

It will take you from being a lukewarm believer to becoming a true apprentice of Jesus.

Don’t let fear keep you from the incredible relationship with Jesus that this book describes.

The cost of following Him is high, but the reward is beyond anything this world can offer.

Trust Jesus, and live the life He called you to when He said, “Follow Me.”

Photo by Jens Johnsson on Pexels

Book 3: The Bait of Satan, 20th Anniversary Edition: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John Bevere

About the Author: John Bevere is a best-selling author, speaker, and co-founder of Messenger International, a ministry focused on equipping and empowering believers around the world.

With a deep love for God’s Word and a passion for seeing lives transformed, John has written many impactful books, including The Bait of Satan and Driven by Eternity.

He and his wife, Lisa, travel globally to inspire others to live boldly for Christ. His family also hosts several podcasts, like At Home With the Beveres and The John Bevere Podcast, are worth checking out.

About the Book: The Bait of Satan by John Bevere dives deep into one of the most dangerous traps that Christians face: the trap of offense.

With passion and clarity, John reveals how holding onto offense can cause anger, hurt relationships, and stop your spiritual growth.

He encourages readers to face their hidden hurts and provides practical, biblical steps to forgive and let go.

This book is more than just advice—it’s a way to find freedom from bitterness and live in God’s peace.

The 20th Anniversary Edition also includes a 30-day devotional to help you put these powerful lessons into practice and walk in true freedom.

✨Key Takeaways✨

Impact on My Faith: This book revealed how being stuck in offense can seriously hinder spiritual growth.

I realized that offense is one of the biggest stumbling blocks, and many people don’t even see that they’re trapped by it.

It also highlighted the importance of inviting God to search our hearts. Often, we aren’t aware of what’s holding us back from going deeper with God, but asking Him to reveal these things is crucial for our spiritual journey.

Favorite Quote or Passage: “Offended Christians also cut off their own ability to produce fruit. Jesus compared the heart with soil in the parable of the sower. Just as Cain’s fields were barren, the soil of an offended heart is barren, poisoned by bitterness. Offended people still may experience miracles, words of utterance, strong preaching, and healing in their lives. But these are gifts of the Spirit, not fruits. We will be judged according to fruit, not gifting. A gift is given. Fruit is cultivated.”

Practical Application: The 20th edition of The Bait of Satan includes a 30-day devotional study guide at the end.

This guide challenges you to search your heart for any offense and guides you through a biblical process to overcome it.

How I Applied the Lessons I didn’t have any major offense against anyone when I read this book, but it helped me see how easy it is to fall into that trap.

I took the time to reflect on the questions John Bevere asked throughout the book to gauge whether I had truly forgiven those who had offended me in the past.

Now, if I ever face offense, I feel equipped with the tools to deal with it by going straight to God and applying the principles Bevere teaches.

Encouragement for Readers: I recommend this book to everyone, even if you think you’re not holding onto any offense.

It’s a great way to check your heart and see if there’s an area that needs attention.

Offense can hold you back in your relationship with God, and this book shows you how to handle it biblically.

No one is immune to being offended, but John Bevere offers valuable guidance on how to guard your heart and live free from this trap.

3 Must-Read Faith Books for Spiritual Growth

Strengthening Your Spiritual Walk

Each of these books offers unique insights and practical wisdom for deepening your faith and walking closer with God. 

They are powerful resources for overcoming the trap of offense, learning how to share the gospel effectively, and growing in your relationship with Jesus. 

I encourage you to pick up one—or all three—as each provides crucial lessons that can transform and strengthen your spiritual walk. 

Remember, the journey of faith is ongoing, and these books can be valuable companions along the way.

Happy reading!

Love and Light, 


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