About Me

✨A Little About Me Today ✨

I’m a devoted wife, mother of three, and a passionate believer in Jesus.

My life is a balancing act between a full-time job and chasing my creative dreams, but every step is rooted in faith and purpose. 

I’m all about finding the sweet spot between contentment in today and dreaming boldly for tomorrow. Whether I’m diving into my novel, crafting blog posts, or designing bold graphic tees for my Etsy shop, my mission is to honor God in everything I do and inspire others to do the same. ✨

When I’m not creating, you’ll likely find me enjoying time with my family, exploring bookstores, or making TikTok videos to share the lessons God has placed on my heart. I believe that a grateful heart and a creative spirit can transform everyday life into something truly special.

My Testimony

I believe the best way you can know about me is to understand what God did for me. 

In January of 2020, as I was driving to work, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude wash over me. My boyfriend (now husband) and I had just bought our first home, our two-year-old daughter was full of life and joy, and my son from a previous relationship was thriving beyond my expectations. Life, after so many years of struggle, finally felt good.

As I drove down those familiar streets, a question bubbled up in my mind: “How did I get here? What did I do to deserve this?” And then, out of nowhere, I heard a foreign thought that wasn’t mine: “IT WAS ME.”

In that moment, I was taken back to a time years ago, when I was sitting in a bathtub, crying as the water poured over me. I was broken, lost, and hopeless, crying out to God, asking, “Is this all I was created for? Brokenness?” I remember saying, “God, if you ever get me out of this place, I need you to show me and never let me forget.”

The vision ended, and I was back in my car, overwhelmed and sobbing uncontrollably. God’s presence was so real, so powerful, I couldn’t ignore it. In that moment, I knew He had given me a new heart—a heart of flesh.

That day marked the beginning of a transformation, though it would be another two years before I fully surrendered my life to Jesus. My husband and I weren’t churchgoers, and I had no idea how to live a life for Christ. But the Holy Spirit guided me, leading me step by step toward the life Jesus intended for me. He still does, praise God.

This blog is the result of that journey—a labor of love created to reach people like me, who didn’t know where to start or how to live as a Christian. Being a Christian isn’t just for Sundays; it’s a lifestyle, a daily walk with Jesus that influences every part of our lives—how we parent, how we engage with the world, how we live each day.

I invite you to join me on this journey of being set apart together. Let’s walk hand in hand, seeking more of Jesus in our everyday lives. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for choosing to be part of this journey with me.

Love and Light,
