3 Celebrities Who Found Faith: Born-Again Christians in Hollywood

Is anyone else intrigued by the recent surge of born-again Christians among celebrities?

When I first noticed, I wondered what was happening. It must be my algorithm, right? Wrong!

Family and friends began sending me TikToks and articles of celebrities openly speaking about their newfound faith in Jesus. This is awesome! But what does it really mean?

Yes, the algorithm played a part in showing me these stories. But when I dug deeper, I saw that the Christian community was buzzing about it, too.

Some were thrilled that these celebs were using their platforms to glorify God, while others were quick to judge.

So, who are these celebrities boldly proclaiming their faith, and why is this happening now? Let’s look at some of these new brothers and sisters in Christ.

Celebrity #1 - Kat Von D

Born-again Christians Celebrities

Kat Von D went public with her faith when she shared a video of her baptism on Instagram on October 3, 2023. 

Shortly after, she posted a video responding to criticism she received for her faith.

She expressed how surprised she was that most of the criticism came not from her peers but from the Christian community, who questioned the legitimacy of her conversion.

On November 6, 2023, she joined Allie Beth Stuckey on the Christian podcast,  ‘Relatable,’  to dive deeper into her story.

Von D explained how she threw away her occult and witchcraft books, as well as her meditation and yoga materials, to mark her new direction in life. 

Born again Christians
Screenshot from "Relatable' Youtube Podcast

On the podcast, she tells the story of her upbringing and the testimony of the Lord pursuing her. You can check out the episode here.

Von D goes on to mention she changed her life by moving to a secluded town in Indiana and joining a local church where she is a part of the choir.

Why go public about her faith? She said she has always been vocal about her beliefs, so when she found the truth in Christianity, the right thing to do was be vocal about the Truth she now knew.

She still embraces her unique style—black ensembles and her tattoos are covered in black ink—but who says all Christians have to look the same?

The way the “Christian” community has given her a hard time about every step she has taken does break my heart.

While I don’t agree with everything she posts, I rarely fully agree with anyone. Everyone’s walk with Jesus looks different, and we should extend grace as we grow and learn.

Celebrity #2 - Daddy Yankee

Born-again Christian Celebrities

I was scrolling TikTok when I saw a video of Daddy Yankee, the ultimate reggaeton superstar. But this time, he wasn’t rapping another dance anthem.

He was announcing his retirement from the music that made him famous and dedicating his talent to the Kingdom of God. 

In Spanish, Daddy Yankee—now going by his birth name, Ramon Ayala—told his audience (in spanish), “All the tools I have in my possession such as music, social networks, platforms, a microphone, everything that Jesus gave me is now for His Kingdom.”

On Good Friday, 2024, he released his first Christian song, “Blood Donor,” marking the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

Celebrities that are born again Christian: Daddy Yankee
Daddy Yankee via his Instagram
Celebrities that are born again Christian: Daddy Yankee
Daddy Yankee via his Instagram

Some Christians argue that his music still carries the rhythms of his old reggaetón sound, even though he has included Christ-honoring lyrics.

I love Christian rap and R&B, so I don’t mind mainstream sounds being used to glorify God. 

I like to consider Genesis 50:20, which says “you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.”

The music Daddy Yankee made for the kingdom of darkness has now been redeemed for the Kingdom of God.

Ayala’s transition shows how God can transform lives, even those with such a big platform.

He’s using the gift of music to spread the gospel, and that’s something to celebrate.

Today he constantly shares his faith on his Instagram, and encourages his followers with Scripture.

Celebrity #3 - Russell Brand

Born-Again Christians
Photo Via Russell Brand's Instagram

Russell Brand’s transformation from a life of addiction to a born-again Christian is a bold testimony of God’s grace.

He regularly shares his journey away from substance abuse, explaining how he found true peace and freedom in Christ.

Brand was baptized and posted about the experience, explaining what it meant to him.

While he consistently speaks about his faith, some wonder if he fully understands the Christian walk.

He seems to dabble in new-age practices, such as tarot cards, which he says doesn’t conflict with his faith but are tools he uses.

Now, I do not agree with incorporating new-age practices into Christianity at all.

But sanctification is a lifelong process, and as we draw closer to Jesus, we learn more about what is right in His eyes.

I didn’t know some things were “open portals” when I was early in my walk. Only through learning the Word of God and walking in the Spirit are we convicted to trust in Jesus alone and the grace He offers us. 

The difference is Russell Brand is publicly processing this journey in real time. Will he continue to grow in Christ or be pulled in other spiritual directions? Only time will tell.

I like to consider Philippians 1:6, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Born-again Christian Celebrities

Do These Celebrities Becoming Born-Again Christians Mean Christianity is Trending?

I sure hope so! I know “trendy” sounds superficial, but even if it is, the gospel will reach far and wide. If anyone can transform a temporary trend into something eternal, it’s Jesus.

I believe it’s revival, and for that, Christians should rejoice.

First and foremost, we need to pray for these celebrities. The enemy will come after them, trying to stop them from spreading the gospel, especially with such large platforms.

We need to cover them in prayer for the bold journeys they are on.

At the end of the day, celebrities are human.

They will go through the same sanctification process as the rest of us. No one gets everything right. But the public nature of their journey adds another layer of complexity, and that’s where grace comes in.

Is This Really About Fame or Revival?

Some Christians are quick to judge celebrities that come out claiming to be born again Christians, saying they are just doing it for clout.

I doubt these celebrities turned to Christ for popularity. They were already famous! In fact, some have likely lost fans by aligning themselves with Jesus.

Just look at the backlash Russell Brand has received in the photo below.

Celebrities that are born again Christian: Russell Brand IG comments

It wouldn’t make sense for them proclaim the name of Jesus to their followers for positive feedback.

But even if it were true, I love what Paul says in Philippians:

“But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this, I rejoice.” (Philippians 1:18)

More good than harm will come from celebrities proclaiming their faith and sharing their testimonies.

All of this is happening not because of their fame, but because revival is in full effect.

God is calling His children, and to that, we should all say, “Amen.”

Born-Again Christians
Photos via Instagram

Dangers of the Celebrity Platform for New Believers

No one should be turning to celebrities to guide their relationship with God. We all need a personal connection with Him.

The large platform these celebrities hold can be dangerous because their mistakes might lead others astray.

This is why it’s crucial for every believer to be rooted in the Word themselves.

Some may not agree with Kat Von D’s music choices, Russell Brand’s dabbling in new-age practices, or the rhythms of Daddy Yankee’s Christian songs.

But if we’re honest, we could take any person and find something to criticize—especially new believers. If we are humble enough, we can examine ourselves and find things to criticize. 

Let’s not forget, sanctification is a lifelong process.

Most of us aren’t walking out our faith journey in the public eye like these celebrities are.

Let’s extend grace where it’s due. They won’t get everything right, but neither do we.

The biggest concern with their platform is how it might lead some away from the true gospel through missteps. This is why every person needs to be in the Word, discerning for themselves.

Keep the Focus on Christ

At the end of the day, what matters most is how each of us individually respond to Jesus’ call. 

We may not even be following Jesus the way we are called to. If you are interested in picking up a couple books to help your walk with Jesus, check out my blog, 3 Must Read Faith Books for Spiritual Growth.

Celebrities may come and go, but Christ remains the same.

We can celebrate their testimonies while remembering that our faith isn’t dependent on trends or fame.

Instead, it’s grounded in our personal walk with God, rooted in scripture, prayer, and the transformative power of His grace.

As we witness this rise of celebrity conversions, let’s rejoice in the fact that God is moving in unexpected ways.

And let’s commit to praying for all new believers—whether in the spotlight or not—so that they stay firm in their faith.

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